It’s hard to believe that I have been writing this blog for over a year and a half. If this blog was a child, it might have even said its first word by now, or possibly its first sentence. It might have even been able to articulate something more interesting than what I regularly write in this blog. In any case, July has been a good month filled with a reasonable amount of fun and antics so stick around and read what I have been up to (or don’t and go out and enjoy the sun and stop wasting your time reading this on the toilet)!
Probably the biggest thing that has happened this month is that I have now officially finished at RNCM. I will have access to the building and I will technically be a student until September, but I have no more lectures, tutorials, seminars or assessments, so I am officially back to being a NEET. So far I have applied for a few jobs, including several at the RNCM, but I have not heard back yet. I also applied for a part-time producers scheme at the Lowry, so let’s see how that goes! I also had my last piece of music performed at the RNCM at the composers concert which went very well, the recording is up on my Soundcloud (piece called Tweak Tweek). It is quite bizarre being finished, though I am glad in a sense to be done with being a student and once again rejoin the real world.
I am set to have a very busy year ahead however, things are going ahead with my musical and we have firmed up the booking with Z-Arts so the show will be performed March next year! The crowdfunding page raised over 4k which was amazing, and we have launched a GoFundMe now as well which at the time of writing (9th of August on my way to London on a bus) has raised £400. I have also managed to bring some more people on board for the project (more on that next month) and I have also bought the domain and began setting up the website for the show. I have also begun the huge job of working on the redraft of the script and score for the table read we are going to do with the cast in October.
Outside of all this artsy crap, I also went to the French alps with some chums in the middle of the month which was amazing, though I got bitten by a tick so I had to be put on some antibiotics which was a bit shit as I could not go in the sun and much of July was extremely hot and sunny. After we got back to the UK, I began the job of emptying and cleaning the flat as me and my flatmate were set to leave it in August. It was very sad, but all good things must pass.
See you next month folks!