An exchange student from England, named Kevin, arrives in a nondescript American town intending to find out what the modern day USA is really like. Kevin, however, finds himself immersed in the world of a cheesy high school musical, which only becomes more absurd and nightmarish during his time in America. Kevin is unsure who to trust as everyone seems insane, though it might be Kevin himself, or something else, that is actually crazy in this highly satirical dark comedy musical written by Will Sharland.
For over a decade, Will Sharland has been writing the Music, Lyrics and Book for Kevin! [The Musical]. The project was initially inspired by his hatred for all things musical theatre and his desire to parody the genre. Whilst writing this musical however, Will Sharland ironically grew to love musical theatre. This show has thus become a twisted love letter to the genre, making fun of all of the cliches of musical theatre whilst simultaneously embracing them. It truly is a show written to appeal to those who love musicals AND those who hate musicals. So far, the musical has been workshopped several times with a view to having the full thing performed for the very first time next year.
If you would like to be involved in this project in some way, please get in touch with Will Sharland through the Contact page on this website to express your interest. If you would like to support this project through a donation, you can donate to our GoFundMe page. If you would like to find out anything else about this project, please also get in touch through the Contact page with any questions that you might have and Will Sharland will get back to you as soon as possible.